Self-Realization Rocks

Self-realization is a never ending journey.
It’s up to you to decide how much you’ll take out of it and how much you’ll enjoy on the way.

A peek in to my journey


Self-realization is an expression used in psychology, philosophy and spirituality. In the western understanding it is the fulfillment by oneself of the possibilities of one’s character or personality. In the Indian understanding, self-realization is liberating knowledge of the true self, either as the permanent undying witness-consciousness, which is atman (essence), or as the absence (sunyata) of such a permanent self.

Self-realization always starts with the self. Funny enough, the self is the only thing in our life, that we can be unconditionally sure about. I am, therefore I can not not-be.



Every realization is a paradigm changer. Every new paradigm lasts until our next realization. We are here to learn, to grow, to expand.

In some lives we shy away from self-realization. Sometimes for the benefit of our upcoming lives, sometime for the benefit of others.

But in some lifetimes self-realization is all we are living for.
Those times our essence trembles from the expansion we are creating. Those times the repercussions transcend dimensions and lifetimes.


We play this game of life together. We co-create, we experience, we grow together.
I learn from you and you can learn from me. I don’t wanna preach.
I’m no better and no worse than you. I’m you.