
About me and about this site

We are love. We are standing in the light.

This site is my hand extended to those that need it and choose to reach for it.

If I die today or if I suffer from now on, till the day I die, this life would still be by far the best of all life times I do remember. But, we are not born to suffer. We are alive because we want to create, to enjoy, to love, to share, to grow, to evolve.

It is my wish to share all this with you. But I’m not here to preach. That’s why I said, that this site is for those who choose to reach for my hand.

This does not mean, that this site is not for those, who do not need my hand. I welcome all of you who want to share this reality with me in love and mutual respect.

This are some of the themes we explore here


We explore what one would perceive as current life, another lifetimes and the lives of others.

Spirituality & Esoteric

We explore the spiritual and esoteric side of us, this world and reality in general.


We explore the concept of enlightenment and Self-Realization as part of it.


We explore the conventional understanding of reality vs. the tangible knowledge we have on it.


We explore the nature of society, its purpose and our relation to it.

Love and fear

We explore love and fear. The only two emotions, from which all other emotions arise.

I am
I’m living every moment in search of a better version of myself.

We are
We are creating this world together anyway. Let’s create together a better world for ourselves, for our children and for mother earth. Not because we must, but just because we can.

We will find the way. We do not need to know the whole road at the beginning of the journey.

For now we should just follow these two guidelines. Follow your excitement and trust in to the void.

As always, everything will be exactly as it should be.

It’s time

It’s time for the next paradigm. It’s time for personal evolution. It’s time for human evolution.
It’s time to let go what does not serve us. It’s time to invent a better version of ourselves.
It’s time to fly!