
Hi! My name is Simon. I don’t like to talk about the basic information about me. One would think that I identify with them, and I don’t. If anything I identify much more with stories of my lives. Those stories will be one of the pillars of this site.

Anyhow. Just to establish some facts. I was born in Yugoslavia and raised in Slovenia, without ever changing my home address. Being a child of socialism, I was raised as an atheist. I still live in Slovenia and I am not a member of any religion or ideology.
Most of my life I worked with computers. Therefore an essential part of my professional life was understanding that what is on the screen and what is really going on in the background are two separate things.

I appreciate two principles in life. In knowing, always ask why. In doing, always ask why not.

    Posted by Simon

    Previous lives, next lives, other lives

    Previous lives, next lives, other lives

    Some remember past lives, some don’t. It is not as important to remember them, as it is to know what they really are. So that we can have a different perspective on our current life and most of all that we get the ability to influence in a positive way far more than our current life.

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    Own yourself

    Own yourself

    We are all aspects of us, all parts of us. When we try to run away from us we should realize that we can not run away from us. Moreover we can not change what we do not own because we can only change ourselves. So if we want to change what we do not like about us, we must first own it and then we have the chance to change it. So if you wont to grow, to change to heal,… own yourself.

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    It's all about you

    It's all about you

    The only important thing in life is you. That other things are important just as part of the experience, but not overall. What matters is your reaction to a circumstance and not the circumstance itself. Because your reaction is what makes who you are and that is what goes with you. On the other hand the circumstance stays in a game we call our life. While I’m explaining the rules of the game, let me tell you something else. Be selfish. But don’t hurt others because that is not selfish, that’s masochistic. And another thing, take no BS from no one.

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    What the lies are made of

    What the lies are made of

    When we talk about the best, the longer lasting lies - do you ever wonder what this lies are made of. We all know that a good lie needs a little bit of truth in it. What we do not think of is that a good lie is protected by safety protocols. This safety protocols involve our emotions and our feelings.

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    A simple life

    A simple life

    For me “a simple life” has two meanings. It can mean a life with friends and family, outside of politics and philosophies. I think such life has great value. On the other hand it can mean living a mindless life without any thinking and decision making while relying on authority to tell you what to do. Such a life is also legit. But is it the best choice? Not for me.

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    Why do we have new year in winter time

    Why do we have new year in winter time

    Why is march not the first month of the year? Why can’t we celebrate new year in spring when new life is blooming? And when we are at it, why does our year have 12 months? What is the meaning of the number 12? Is this the best we can do, the best it can be? If not, is it just a coincidence that it is not? What if the calendar is not as it should be on purpose?

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    Christmas energy

    Christmas energy

    For some of us who can feel the the energies, Christmas time can be quite challenging. Everyone is supposed to feel joyful and blessed, but not everybody does. And the sorrow of those who don’t is stronger than the joy of those who do. But we pretend that it is not so. Because that’s our society. We embrace the farce so that we can ignore the reality.

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    When will we get free energy?

    When will we get free energy?

    Once in a gong bath session, when I was transported out of this reality, I asked: “When will we get free energy?” I got the answer. “When you will give energy for free.” At first I thought that they were talking about capitalism. I’m sure that this was a part of the answer. But I have a feeling that the real meaning is far more profound than that.

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    Our creation as a multiplayer game

    Our creation as a multiplayer game

    When I try to explain our reality I often use the analogy of a dream or of a computer game. Can I use the same analogy to explain why we don’t need a world separate from us to be able to interact with others? Will my explanation make others real, unreal or maybe both at the same time?

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    2025 and aliens

    2025 and aliens

    I have a feeling that the next year is going to be very important. Maybe we will have the third world war. Maybe aliens will land. Or maybe something else will come into our lives to force us to finally start to consider the really important things in life.

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    Influences on our life

    Influences on our life

    We all acknowledge certain influences on our life. Things like education, environment, etc. But than how many of us are aware that our previous lives and our ancestors also have a big influence on our current life. Not everyone believes in this things. Those that do not are destined to endure those influences without the possibility to react. On the other hand those that do believe have a unique possibility to help themselves in ways that those who do not believe can’t even imagine.

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    What our dreams are made of

    What our dreams are made of

    We hear that our dreams happen in our brains. We hear that they are a function of our brains. If that would be true, the dreams would be the most uselessly wasteful process in our body. What if there is another explanation for the dreams? What if our brains have no role in it? What if brain activity during the dreams is there just for our benefit and not for the benefit of the dream?

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    The one is the all and the all are the one

    The one is the all and the all are the one

    The idea that we are all one is more and more at least considered among people. That does not mean that this idea is well understood by most people. Here is my attempt to explain this concept. Mine is just a humble start, but we have to start somewhere, don’t we.

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    A soul separated from god

    A soul separated from god

    The concept where souls are separate from god is the first unsustainable concept in creation. Why do vast majority of world religions teach the separation of god and man? We should not wonder why we are destroying the planet, each other and ourselves if we are feeling separated from everyone and everything.

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    Democratic country and free society

    Democratic country and free society

    I was born in a communist country that became a capitalist parliamentary democracy. Maybe that’s the reason why I can so easily spot a non democratic behavior. If you were born surrounded by it and you keep your head high, you can smell if from a distance.

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    Four laws of creation

    Four laws of creation

    1. You exist (and you always will and you always have)
    2. The one is the all and the all are the one
    3. What you put out is what you get
    4. Change is a constant and everything changes except the first four laws

    You can watch this video on one of the links below:
    | YouTube | Odysee | Rumble | BitChute |

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    Safety first - driving not so much

    Safety first - driving not so much

    We all agree that safety is important. But when it is in the way of freedom, I choose freedom. Speed limits, speed bumps, seat-belts, etc. are useful when adopted properly. Unfortunately in the hand of bureaucrats they can be annoying and too often unsafe.

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    The nature of reality

    The nature of reality

    What if I tell you that your life and this world are real, but just as an experience. What if I tell you that this reality is just a part of another reality. A reality where there is no time and no space and where there is only one. The one that is experiencing everything that is to be experienced in all of his realities.

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    Vote for yourself

    Vote for yourself

    On elections for the government you vote for the one you wish would govern you. With that little influence on the result you have, you go and vote for the better of bad options. What if I tell you that at the same time there is a more important voting going on. What if I tell you, that you can vote for yourself.

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    The illusion of time

    The illusion of time

    Time is always present in our experience of life. That alone should be the proof that time is real. And it is, but only as an experience. When you start to question the nature of our reality, you should start to question the nature of time. When you do that the time starts to look a lot different. When you accept that the time is not what we think it is, a lot of pieces will fall in to place.

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    Respect all living beings

    Respect all living beings

    We can respect all living beings or none. The problem is that if you understand respect in a wrong way, you starve to death. The answer lies in the intention. Intention makes all the difference when you for example kill for food or when you kill for pleasure. It’s not that you should feel guilty because you eat. It’s that most don’t feel guilty when they kill or hurt animals or plants for no good reason. Animals and plants are living beings too. And they are much more than just alive.

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    A new book for your awakening

    A new book for your awakening

    When you realize that a lot of your old truths were false, where do you write your new truths? If you write a new story in an old book, the new story will be influenced by the old stories in that book. Sometimes a blank page is not enough. Sometimes you need a new blank book.

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    LGBTQIA+ and the end of an age of Pisces

    LGBTQIA+ and the end of an age of Pisces

    Is LGBTQIA+ a phenomenon that happened by chance? Or is there a more significant reason for it’s existence? I think that it is a part of something much greater. Something that not everyone is prepared to deal with. I think that this society is coming to an end. In our lifetime we are choosing how the society of our children and grandchildren is gonna be. We can consciously choose and help create a better society that will come. Or we can let it come as others want it to be by clinging to the present one.

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    Let's fly

    Let's fly

    If we have to hold on to things to feel safe, we will shake when things start to crumble. If we want to stop shaking we have to learn to fly. The good news is that we can all fly. If we decide that we want to. We humans are satisfied with the answers way to soon. Maybe we don’t want our world to shake when we ask the when, where, how and why when we talk about god or big bang or…

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    Remembering the dead

    Remembering the dead

    In Slovenia on November 1st we celebrate Day of the dead. On this day we remember our dead. We all do it in the same way. Well not all. Some of us do not participate. This could be a sign of disrespect, but is it really? Is there really only one way how to show respect to dead people? Did we ever wonder why do we do certain things in a certain way? What would dead people say? I believe that there are better ways to show respect and to remember those that are gone.

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    This can't be real

    This can't be real

    We are all experiencing things in life that, according to our understanding of reality, can not be real. Maybe we should look at it the other way around. What if what we call reality is not real or at least not what we thing it is? The fact is that if even one thing that could not be real is real, we must rethink our understanding of reality. The more of this things there are and the more they do not fit in our current understanding, the more they prove that what we call reality is in fact not what we think it is. In this video I briefly mention some of things that happened to me. I’m doing this because so I can talk from my actual experience. But I am also very interested how many of you had similar experiences. Maybe you’ve seen an UFO, experienced déjà vu, had sleep paralysis, notice or see a spirit, remember previews lives, etc. Contact me on Matrix/Element, by e-mail or as a comment to this video. I’m really interested to hear your stories.

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    BSS - observing society

    BSS - observing society

    Society is like a mirror. It’s a mirror just for us and also for all of us. So don’t be trapped in room of mirrors. Just learn how to read society and let it help you to grow. This channel has a BSS section. Here we talk about society. So that together we can start to understand what it is saying to us. Because society is always teaching us something. When we learn how to take a distance we can learn even faster and with far less drama. Let us all learn, enjoy and laugh together.

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    Christianity - Astrotheology

    Christianity - Astrotheology

    Christianity is a religion. We are all affected by major religions. The most those that are part of that religion. But other people as well. Is it really so strange that we ask questions about things that affect us? Here is one. What is Astrotheology and does it have anything to do with Christianity? – Links to videos I’m talking about – Main video: Jordan Maxwell Astro Theology - Second/shorter video: Religion Comes From Ancient Astrology and Sun Worship -

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    Electric cars

    Electric cars

    When they talk about electric cars, we hear that “range X” minus “do not fill” minus “cold weather” minus “battery degradation” equals “range X”. I would like it if this math would apply to my bank account as well. But it does not apply to electric cars either.

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    Religion of science

    Religion of science

    Three dogmas are permeating mainstream/official science. Anyone inside and outside science who dares to dispute official scientific doctrine gets ridiculed or worse. This is not a science in search of knowledge and truth. This is a science of belief. A belief with organizational structure is a religion.

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    Walking naked in the world full of shame

    Walking naked in the world full of shame

    Why is it such a taboo to be naked? The minimum dress code differs from place to place, from culture to culture. But something is always the same. You are supposed to be ashamed of what you are. Enjoy being human. Enjoy your body. There is nothing you should be ashamed of.

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    Ego and heart working together

    Ego and heart working together

    Liberate your ego from responsibilities that are not his. Only then you can start to really explore life. Consider everything but do not believe anything. Take the information in and than draw your own conclusions. Being open to new information and different opinions is the only way to grow. But blindly believing in other people opinions and information is not the right way to go.

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    Food, cosmetic and health industry

    Food, cosmetic and health industry

    Food, cosmetic and health industry have a significant influence on our health. Too many people think that they always have our best interest in mind. Or at least that they would never seriously harm us. Why do they think that the industry would care? There is no incentive for them to care. We have to care.

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    Healers and healers

    Healers and healers

    Especially in the last years there are more and more healers and healing techniques. This is good because we are in dire need of healing if we ever want to have a better life on this planet. But like in every thing not everyone is suited to be a healer. At least not before reaching certain maturity. Here is my advice to those who seek healers and a friendly advice to those healers who should find themselves in this video.

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    Naturist life

    Naturist life

    Naturist camp is a place where you can be the most in touch with nature while still retaining some basic comfort from the civilization. FKK camps are usually more peaceful and safer than textile camps. But no mater where you enjoy your summer vacation, beware of the sun and of the sun cream. And most of all enjoy your vacation, always.

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    Enjoy life

    Enjoy life

    This life is not all there is. This life is just a game. But the experience is real. Live your life like you would play your favorite computer game. Play your life to win, with full immersion, with passion. Play it like you mean it. But live it knowing that is just a game.

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    Placebo and nocebo effect

    Placebo and nocebo effect

    We have enough statistical data to know that placebo and nocebo effects are real. Those that are not willing to accept that human body is not only a machine, will never admit that this effects exists. Don’t mind them. Use placebo and nocebo effect for your advantage. Be a conscience creator of your own health.

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    Chess beginners and masters

    Chess beginners and masters

    A chess master understands that one plans many moves ahead. He understands that all figures are expendable. He understands how the game is played. Live your life like a chess master. Play the game to win. Play the game to play.

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    Walking barefoot

    Walking barefoot

    Walking barefoot is beneficial for our body and our soul. There are many physical benefits for our electrical and electromagnetic fields, for out muscles and joints, for the whole body because of the acupuncture and acupressure points we are pressing. But there is another thing, the earth is alive and we are interacting with her much more intensively when we are touching her.

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    Life is like a game of chess

    Life is like a game of chess

    A chess is a game we play to win. Life is a game we play to win. We should play both games mostly because we just like to play.

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    Shaman, limpia and asmr

    Shaman, limpia and asmr

    Limpia or cleansing is an ancient way of cleaning our aura or electromagnetic field. In South America it is usually performed by a shaman or a healer. Unfortunately nowadays on video platforms limpia is often abused for the production of ASMR videos that have nothing to do with a real limpia.

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    Life full of victories

    Life full of victories

    Life doesn’t have to be a race. Life does not have to be full of tasks that bring little or no satisfaction. Be in charge of your own tasks. Be in charge of your own victories. Live each day with a smile on your face.

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    Water is life

    Water is life

    We should drink a lot of water. At the end of the day we are also 70% water. Water that can be manipulated in a good or in a bad way. Let’s heal ourselves, let’s heal our water. The water we all share.

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    Being offended - no thank you!

    Being offended - no thank you!

    It looks like they want us to be offended. But we can always choose. Say no to being offended.

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    Beauty and cosmetics

    Beauty and cosmetics

    Beauty is subjective, but unfortunately heavily influenced by society. What do you prefer, health or the illusion of objective beauty? Maybe there is a middle ground.

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    Channel about self-realization

    Channel about self-realization

    This channel is about many things, but the underlying theme will always be self-realization. Our look on and our experience of self-realization. Because we share what is ours and what we are and not what is not ours and what we are told to be. But we do like to share, because sharing is one of the joys of life.

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    Life energy and motion

    Life energy and motion

    Life energy is also celled prana, ki or chi. The correct flow of life energy is vital for our health. We can help our life energy flow with a correct motion of our body. This will also greatly benefit our muscles and joints.

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    Ego, friend or foe

    Ego, friend or foe

    Is ego our friend of foe? What is his real role? Should we get rid of ego? Is there a correlation between ego and our inner child?
    This is just a short thought provoker. You will find, as always, the only legit answers inside yourself.

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    Do you hate going to the dentist? If you need help with caries and other oral problems, ginger is your friend. You will still have to go to the dentist but perhaps less often.

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    What is the higher self doing

    What is the higher self doing

    Do you ever wonder what is that part of you that is not incarnated into physical life doing? The answer I got was more powerful than I expected.

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    Walk and meditation

    Walk and meditation

    Walking can be so much more than just a physical activity.

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    All life has value

    All life has value

    What we can change in life is the experience, but not the value. The value is always absolute.

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    A simple breathing technique to oxygenate your body and relieve tension, stress and negative energy.

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    I am therefore...

    I am therefore...

    I am is the only absolute truth, all the other truths are conditional.

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    Not An Ugly Duckling

    Not An Ugly Duckling

    A children story that is so pertinent for our human condition.

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    First contact

    First contact

    If you would have to make your first contact, how would you do it?

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