
Self-Realization Rocks blog posts

Christmas energy

Christmas energy

For some of us who can feel the the energies, Christmas time can be quite challenging. Everyone is supposed to feel joyful and blessed, but not everybody does. And the sorrow of those who don’t is stronger than the joy of those who do. But we pretend that it is not so. Because that’s our society. We embrace the farce so that we can ignore the reality.

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When will we get free energy?

When will we get free energy?

Once in a gong bath session, when I was transported out of this reality, I asked: “When will we get free energy?” I got the answer. “When you will give energy for free.” At first I thought that they were talking about capitalism. I’m sure that this was a part of the answer. But I have a feeling that the real meaning is far more profound than that.

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Our creation as a multiplayer game

Our creation as a multiplayer game

When I try to explain our reality I often use the analogy of a dream or of a computer game. Can I use the same analogy to explain why we don’t need a world separate from us to be able to interact with others? Will my explanation make others real, unreal or maybe both at the same time?

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2025 and aliens

2025 and aliens

I have a feeling that the next year is going to be very important. Maybe we will have the third world war. Maybe aliens will land. Or maybe something else will come into our lives to force us to finally start to consider the really important things in life.

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Influences on our life

Influences on our life

We all acknowledge certain influences on our life. Things like education, environment, etc. But than how many of us are aware that our previous lives and our ancestors also have a big influence on our current life. Not everyone believes in this things. Those that do not are destined to endure those influences without the possibility to react. On the other hand those that do believe have a unique possibility to help themselves in ways that those who do not believe can’t even imagine.

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What our dreams are made of

What our dreams are made of

We hear that our dreams happen in our brains. We hear that they are a function of our brains. If that would be true, the dreams would be the most uselessly wasteful process in our body. What if there is another explanation for the dreams? What if our brains have no role in it? What if brain activity during the dreams is there just for our benefit and not for the benefit of the dream?

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