
Self-Realization Rocks blog posts

The one is the all and the all are the one

The one is the all and the all are the one

The idea that we are all one is more and more at least considered among people. That does not mean that this idea is well understood by most people. Here is my attempt to explain this concept. Mine is just a humble start, but we have to start somewhere, don’t we.

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A soul separated from god

A soul separated from god

The concept where souls are separate from god is the first unsustainable concept in creation. Why do vast majority of world religions teach the separation of god and man? We should not wonder why we are destroying the planet, each other and ourselves if we are feeling separated from everyone and everything.

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Democratic country and free society

Democratic country and free society

I was born in a communist country that became a capitalist parliamentary democracy. Maybe that’s the reason why I can so easily spot a non democratic behavior. If you were born surrounded by it and you keep your head high, you can smell if from a distance.

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Four laws of creation

Four laws of creation

  1. You exist (and you always will and you always have)
  2. The one is the all and the all are the one
  3. What you put out is what you get
  4. Change is a constant and everything changes except the first four laws

You can watch this video on one of the links below:
| YouTube | Odysee | Rumble | BitChute |

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Safety first - driving not so much

Safety first - driving not so much

We all agree that safety is important. But when it is in the way of freedom, I choose freedom. Speed limits, speed bumps, seat-belts, etc. are useful when adopted properly. Unfortunately in the hand of bureaucrats they can be annoying and too often unsafe.

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The nature of reality

The nature of reality

What if I tell you that your life and this world are real, but just as an experience. What if I tell you that this reality is just a part of another reality. A reality where there is no time and no space and where there is only one. The one that is experiencing everything that is to be experienced in all of his realities.

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