
Self-Realization Rocks blog posts

Placebo and nocebo effect

Placebo and nocebo effect

We have enough statistical data to know that placebo and nocebo effects are real. Those that are not willing to accept that human body is not only a machine, will never admit that this effects exists. Don’t mind them. Use placebo and nocebo effect for your advantage. Be a conscience creator of your own health.

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Chess beginners and masters

Chess beginners and masters

A chess master understands that one plans many moves ahead. He understands that all figures are expendable. He understands how the game is played. Live your life like a chess master. Play the game to win. Play the game to play.

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Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot

Walking barefoot is beneficial for our body and our soul. There are many physical benefits for our electrical and electromagnetic fields, for out muscles and joints, for the whole body because of the acupuncture and acupressure points we are pressing. But there is another thing, the earth is alive and we are interacting with her much more intensively when we are touching her.

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Life is like a game of chess

Life is like a game of chess

A chess is a game we play to win. Life is a game we play to win. We should play both games mostly because we just like to play.

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Shaman, limpia and asmr

Shaman, limpia and asmr

Limpia or cleansing is an ancient way of cleaning our aura or electromagnetic field. In South America it is usually performed by a shaman or a healer. Unfortunately nowadays on video platforms limpia is often abused for the production of ASMR videos that have nothing to do with a real limpia.

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Life full of victories

Life full of victories

Life doesn’t have to be a race. Life does not have to be full of tasks that bring little or no satisfaction. Be in charge of your own tasks. Be in charge of your own victories. Live each day with a smile on your face.

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