
Previous lives, next lives, other lives

Previous lives, next lives, other lives

Some remember past lives, some don’t. It is not as important to remember them, as it is to know what they really are. So that we can have a different perspective on our current life and most of all that we get the ability to influence in a positive way far more than our current life.

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Own yourself

Own yourself

We are all aspects of us, all parts of us. When we try to run away from us we should realize that we can not run away from us. Moreover we can not change what we do not own because we can only change ourselves. So if we want to change what we do not like about us, we must first own it and then we have the chance to change it. So if you wont to grow, to change to heal,… own yourself.

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It's all about you

It's all about you

The only important thing in life is you. That other things are important just as part of the experience, but not overall. What matters is your reaction to a circumstance and not the circumstance itself. Because your reaction is what makes who you are and that is what goes with you. On the other hand the circumstance stays in a game we call our life. While I’m explaining the rules of the game, let me tell you something else. Be selfish. But don’t hurt others because that is not selfish, that’s masochistic. And another thing, take no BS from no one.

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What the lies are made of

What the lies are made of

When we talk about the best, the longer lasting lies - do you ever wonder what this lies are made of. We all know that a good lie needs a little bit of truth in it. What we do not think of is that a good lie is protected by safety protocols. This safety protocols involve our emotions and our feelings.

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A simple life

A simple life

For me “a simple life” has two meanings. It can mean a life with friends and family, outside of politics and philosophies. I think such life has great value. On the other hand it can mean living a mindless life without any thinking and decision making while relying on authority to tell you what to do. Such a life is also legit. But is it the best choice? Not for me.

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Why do we have new year in winter time

Why do we have new year in winter time

Why is march not the first month of the year? Why can’t we celebrate new year in spring when new life is blooming? And when we are at it, why does our year have 12 months? What is the meaning of the number 12? Is this the best we can do, the best it can be? If not, is it just a coincidence that it is not? What if the calendar is not as it should be on purpose?

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