Safety first - driving not so much

Safety first - driving not so much

We all agree that safety is important. But when it is in the way of freedom, I choose freedom. Speed limits, speed bumps, seat-belts, etc. are useful when adopted properly. Unfortunately in the hand of bureaucrats they can be annoying and too often unsafe.

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Vote for yourself

Vote for yourself

On elections for the government you vote for the one you wish would govern you. With that little influence on the result you have, you go and vote for the better of bad options. What if I tell you that at the same time there is a more important voting going on. What if I tell you, that you can vote for yourself.

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Respect all living beings

Respect all living beings

We can respect all living beings or none. The problem is that if you understand respect in a wrong way, you starve to death. The answer lies in the intention. Intention makes all the difference when you for example kill for food or when you kill for pleasure. It’s not that you should feel guilty because you eat. It’s that most don’t feel guilty when they kill or hurt animals or plants for no good reason. Animals and plants are living beings too. And they are much more than just alive.

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LGBTQIA+ and the end of an age of Pisces

LGBTQIA+ and the end of an age of Pisces

Is LGBTQIA+ a phenomenon that happened by chance? Or is there a more significant reason for it’s existence? I think that it is a part of something much greater. Something that not everyone is prepared to deal with. I think that this society is coming to an end. In our lifetime we are choosing how the society of our children and grandchildren is gonna be. We can consciously choose and help create a better society that will come. Or we can let it come as others want it to be by clinging to the present one.

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Remembering the dead

Remembering the dead

In Slovenia on November 1st we celebrate Day of the dead. On this day we remember our dead. We all do it in the same way. Well not all. Some of us do not participate. This could be a sign of disrespect, but is it really? Is there really only one way how to show respect to dead people? Did we ever wonder why do we do certain things in a certain way? What would dead people say? I believe that there are better ways to show respect and to remember those that are gone.

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BSS - observing society

BSS - observing society

Society is like a mirror. It’s a mirror just for us and also for all of us. So don’t be trapped in room of mirrors. Just learn how to read society and let it help you to grow. This channel has a BSS section. Here we talk about society. So that together we can start to understand what it is saying to us. Because society is always teaching us something. When we learn how to take a distance we can learn even faster and with far less drama. Let us all learn, enjoy and laugh together.

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