I Am

A new book for your awakening

A new book for your awakening

When you realize that a lot of your old truths were false, where do you write your new truths? If you write a new story in an old book, the new story will be influenced by the old stories in that book. Sometimes a blank page is not enough. Sometimes you need a new blank book.

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Let's fly

Let's fly

If we have to hold on to things to feel safe, we will shake when things start to crumble. If we want to stop shaking we have to learn to fly. The good news is that we can all fly. If we decide that we want to. We humans are satisfied with the answers way to soon. Maybe we don’t want our world to shake when we ask the when, where, how and why when we talk about god or big bang or…

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This can't be real

This can't be real

We are all experiencing things in life that, according to our understanding of reality, can not be real. Maybe we should look at it the other way around. What if what we call reality is not real or at least not what we thing it is? The fact is that if even one thing that could not be real is real, we must rethink our understanding of reality. The more of this things there are and the more they do not fit in our current understanding, the more they prove that what we call reality is in fact not what we think it is. In this video I briefly mention some of things that happened to me. I’m doing this because so I can talk from my actual experience. But I am also very interested how many of you had similar experiences. Maybe you’ve seen an UFO, experienced déjà vu, had sleep paralysis, notice or see a spirit, remember previews lives, etc. Contact me on Matrix/Element, by e-mail or as a comment to this video. I’m really interested to hear your stories.

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Christianity - Astrotheology

Christianity - Astrotheology

Christianity is a religion. We are all affected by major religions. The most those that are part of that religion. But other people as well. Is it really so strange that we ask questions about things that affect us? Here is one. What is Astrotheology and does it have anything to do with Christianity? – Links to videos I’m talking about – Main video: Jordan Maxwell Astro Theology - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lvZZiQiTwtI Second/shorter video: Religion Comes From Ancient Astrology and Sun Worship - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly6ToMQVsho

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Religion of science

Religion of science

Three dogmas are permeating mainstream/official science. Anyone inside and outside science who dares to dispute official scientific doctrine gets ridiculed or worse. This is not a science in search of knowledge and truth. This is a science of belief. A belief with organizational structure is a religion.

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Ego and heart working together

Ego and heart working together

Liberate your ego from responsibilities that are not his. Only then you can start to really explore life. Consider everything but do not believe anything. Take the information in and than draw your own conclusions. Being open to new information and different opinions is the only way to grow. But blindly believing in other people opinions and information is not the right way to go.

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