I Am

Channel about self-realization

Channel about self-realization

This channel is about many things, but the underlying theme will always be self-realization. Our look on and our experience of self-realization. Because we share what is ours and what we are and not what is not ours and what we are told to be. But we do like to share, because sharing is one of the joys of life.

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Ego, friend or foe

Ego, friend or foe

Is ego our friend of foe? What is his real role? Should we get rid of ego? Is there a correlation between ego and our inner child?
This is just a short thought provoker. You will find, as always, the only legit answers inside yourself.

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What is the higher self doing

What is the higher self doing

Do you ever wonder what is that part of you that is not incarnated into physical life doing? The answer I got was more powerful than I expected.

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All life has value

All life has value

What we can change in life is the experience, but not the value. The value is always absolute.

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I am therefore...

I am therefore...

I am is the only absolute truth, all the other truths are conditional.

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Not An Ugly Duckling

Not An Ugly Duckling

A children story that is so pertinent for our human condition.

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